To analyse an unknown Json API I setup a small project with Smallrye Rest Client to access the Json structure. I added JUnit for a test driven approach and Hamcrest for Matchers (like assertThat or is).
I need an easy way to show some database data of an existing application. The architecture and technic of the application is quite old and unconfortable, so I decided to setup a new project with a modern framework.
I need overview of data in a table, maybe with CSV or PDF file export. A chart to show the number of incoming data per time etc. I want to use a framwork that provides components for this requirements, so I do not have to code much for things like paging, file export etc. I one of my prior projects we used Java Server Faces, and so I came up to give PrimeFaces a try. They have a good ShowCase to show their components.
Unfortunatly it was a little bit more complex to setup the project than I thought at the beginning. No rocket science, but I took me some time for the initial setup, therefore I decided to extract this to a PrimeFaces Template Application to easily reuse it next time and uploaded it to GitHub.
Setup project
Created a new Maven project in Eclipse. Added Eclipse Gitignore defaults from GitHub and target folder (created by Maven) to .gitignore file. Added beans.xml, web.xml and index.xhtml files to project:
For CDI we need the beans.xml file. Nothing special, it just has to be there:
PrimeFaces Configuration
Minimum setup in web.xml, except of the explicit use of the Omega theme:
I want to use Tomcat and not a EE application server like Payara. Therefore I have to add JSF. And I want to use the current version, which is 2.3, so I have to add CDI (JBoss Weld) also.
Since this JSF version, the JSF managed bean facility @ManagedBean is DEPRECATED in in favour of CDI and CDI has become a REQUIRED dependency for JSF 2.3.
Of course PrimeFaces has to be added as dependency, currently in version 8.0 and PrimeFaces Themes.
Flex Grid CSS is a lightweight flex based responsive layout utility optimized for mobile phones, tablets and desktops. Flex Grid CSS is not included in PrimeFaces as it is provided by PrimeFlex, a shared grid library between PrimeFaces, PrimeNG and PrimeReact projects.
Add dependency for Webjar, so we do not need to download and copy the files in our project:
Import PrimeFlex in index.xhtml:
For the usage of PrimeFlex please have a look into the documentation.
The usage of PrimeIcons is well documented. Just import the stylesheet and use them, example:
Everyone is talking about and on Twitter. Mostly every Tweet is public and pullable, this makes Twitter a gold mine of data (or a pile of mud, reading some of the Tweets).
I heard, with a Twitter Developer Account you can do a thing or two, so let's try this.
After confirming the email you can create your first Twitter App.
It starts to give it a name
You will be honoured with three secret keys: API key, API secret key and the Bearer token
Give it a try! (really, do it)
Next try: type in the curl command in your command line:
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer " ",author_id"
{"data":{"text":"If only Bradley's arm was longer. Best photo ever. #oscars","id":"440322224407314432","attachments":{"media_keys":["3_440322224092745728"]},"author_id":"15846407"},"includes":{"media":[{"media_key":"3_440322224092745728","type":"photo"}],"users":[{"id":"15846407","name":"Ellen DeGeneres","username":"TheEllenShow"}]}}
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer " ",twitterapi,adsapi&user.fields=created_at&expansions=pinned_tweet_id&tweet.fields=author_id,created_at"
{"data":[{"name":"Twitter Dev","pinned_tweet_id":"1293593516040269825","created_at":"2013-12-14T04:35:55.000Z","username":"TwitterDev","id":"2244994945"},{"name":"Twitter API","pinned_tweet_id":"1293595870563381249","created_at":"2007-05-23T06:01:13.000Z","username":"TwitterAPI","id":"6253282"},{"name":"Twitter Ads API","created_at":"2013-02-27T20:01:12.000Z","username":"AdsAPI","id":"1225933934"}],"includes":{"tweets":[{"author_id":"2244994945","id":"1293593516040269825","created_at":"2020-08-12T17:01:42.000Z","text":"It's finally here! \uD83E\uDD41 Say hello to the new #TwitterAPI.\n\nWe're rebuilding the Twitter API v2 from the ground up to better serve our developer community. And today's launch is only the beginning.\n\n"},{"author_id":"6253282","id":"1293595870563381249","created_at":"2020-08-12T17:11:04.000Z","text":"Twitter API v2: Early Access released\n\nToday we announced Early Access to the first endpoints of the new Twitter API!\n\n#TwitterAPI #EarlyAccess #VersionBump"}]}}
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer " ",1227640996038684673,1199786642791452673&tweet.fields=created_at&expansions=author_id&user.fields=created_at"
{"data":[{"created_at":"2020-02-14T19:00:55.000Z","text":"What did the developer write in their Valentine's card?\n \nwhile(true) {\n I = Love(You); \n}","id":"1228393702244134912","author_id":"2244994945"},{"created_at":"2020-02-12T17:09:56.000Z","text":"Doctors: Googling stuff online does not make you a doctor\n\nDevelopers:","id":"1227640996038684673","author_id":"2244994945"},{"created_at":"2019-11-27T20:26:41.000Z","text":"C#","id":"1199786642791452673","author_id":"2244994945"}],"includes":{"users":[{"id":"2244994945","username":"TwitterDev","name":"Twitter Dev","created_at":"2013-12-14T04:35:55.000Z"}]}}
Making things a little bit more comfortable:
Search for the recently posted Tweets with Hashtag Corona in german language:
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $BEARER_TOKEN" ""